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Term Description

CARE: Centre for Advanced Computing Research and Education

CAT: Cyber Appellate Tribunal

CATR: Compact Antenna Test Range

CBEFF: Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework

CCA: Controller of Certifying Authorities

C-DAC: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

CFR: Centre for Reliability

CC&BT: Convergence Communications & Broadband Technologies

CCP: Commonwealth Connects Programme

CCSM: Coupled Climate System Model

CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access

CEERI : Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute

CEG: Centre for e-Governance

CBDT: Central Board of Direct Taxes

CEWiT: Centre of Excellence in Wireless Technology

CGCRI: Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute

C-GRex: Chaos Game Representation explorer

CIMFR: Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research

CIS: Commonwealth of Independent States

C-MET: Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology

CMRI: Central Mining Research Institute

CMS: Content Management System

CPeMT: Central Project e-Mission Team

CPMT: Central Project Monitoring Team

CPS: Certification Practice Statement

CRL: Certificate Revocation List

CSC: Common Services Center

CSIRO: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization

CSP: Content Service provider

CSR: Certificate Signing Request

CTT: Central Technical Team

CUG: Closed User Group

CIC: Community Information Centres

CVO: Chief Vigilance Officer