One of the key aspects of the National Rollout of eDistrict MMP is Business Process Reengineering (BPR) of the services being provided under this project. BPR is intended to enable process simplification and significant value addition to citizens.
BPR Reports of the Pilot States:
Uttar Pradesh11.04 MB, Assam
2.69 MB, Tamil Nadu
39.62 MB, Kerala
13.85 MB, Madhya Pradesh
11 MB, West Bengal
6.3 MB, Mizoram
7.36 MB, Maharashtra
8.89 MB, Jharkhand
3.81 MB, Bihar
3.83 MB, Orissa
14.94 MB, Punjab
22.97 MBand Haryana
11.33 MB.
BPR Reports of the States under National Rollout:
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