Given India’s increased participation in the global Information and Communication Technology (ICT) market and the government’s pro-active policies in promoting investment in ICT and e-governance at home, there was a need to track the progress and achievements in this field in different states and Union Territories (UTs). The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) of the Government of India and the National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) have collaborated in producing the India e-Readiness Reports since 2003. NCAER is currently working on the sixth report in the series. The focus of these reports has been to evaluate the ability of the State Governments and Union Territories to pursue value creation opportunities and accompanying inclusive economic development, facilitated by ICT.
Framework of Assessment
The e-Readiness index is a Relative Index and includes three sub-components that which are as follows:
1. The ICT environment of a given state or community.
2. The readiness of the community’s key stakeholders to use ICT.
3. The actual usage of ICT among these stakeholders
It is our understanding that a sound environment needs to be put in place at initial stage for effective use of ICT. This environment would include policy environment, market environment and infrastructural environment. Readiness deals with those characteristics of the players that enable them to respond to an environment that is enabling. This includes capacity building or skill formation within the different stakeholders as well as their access to the infrastructure which may have been put in place either by the public or the private sector. Usage, on the other hand, is the actual utilisation of information technology given a conducive environment and positive state of readiness.
Given the focus on e-Governance in India, an e-Governance Index was also included in the e-Readiness Assessment Framework for the first time in 2008. It was done because it was felt that e-Governance is of relevance because of its direct relationship with Government investments on the one hand and its importance in facilitating provision of services by the Government to both industry and general citizens, on the other.
For Framework click here0 bytes
e-Readiness Assessment Report
Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) of the Government of India and the National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) have collaborated in producing the India e-Readiness Reports since 2003. NCAER is currently working on the sixth report in the series.
Past e-Readiness Assessment Reports
Previous e-Readiness Assessment reports provide details on Relative Index which compares one state versus the others at a point in time.
Report for the year 2008, please click here0 bytes
Report for the year 2006, please click here0 bytes
Report for the year 2005, please click here0 bytes
Current e-Readiness Assessment Report
For the year 2011-12, in addition to the Relative Index an Absolute Index has been included in the report which would help in measuring States’ e-Readiness over time. For the current e-Readiness Assessment Report a comprehensive list of indicators are prepared in consultation with States’ IT, Finance & Planning Department’s Secretaries/Representatives. For the list of indicators click here0 bytes
The survey questionnaire has been finalized and data collection for the e-Readiness Assessment is in progress.