Hindi in Devanagari script is the official language of the Union .The form of numerals to be used for official purposes of the Union is the international form of Indian numerals {Article 343 (1) of the Constitution }.In addition to Hindi language English language may also be used for official purposes.(Section 3 of the Business in Parliament may be transacted in English or in Hindi. However, the Hon’ble Chairman of the RajyaSabha or the Hon’ble Speaker of the LokSabha may permit any Member to address the House in his / her mother tongue under special circumstances (Article 120 of the Constitution ).
The purposes for which Hindi alone is to be used, the purposes for which both Hindi andEnglish are to be used and the purposes for which English language is to be used, have been specified in the Official Languages Act, 1963, the Official Language Rules , 1976 and the directions issued under them from time to time by the Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs.
It has been the policy of the Government of India that progressive use of Hindi in the official work may be ensured through persuasion, incentive and goodwill.