Page 133 - Photo story booklets (1)
P. 133

MeitY celebrates India’s Digital Payments Journey through a marquee ‘Digital Payment Utsav’ to India’s Digital Payments Journey through a marquee ‘Digital Payment Utsav’ to
      MeitY celebrates

      during a week-long fest.
                        during a week-long fest.
      Some of the highlights of the campaign are as mentioned below:
                        Some of the highlights of the campaign are as mentioned below:

                              Launch of DigiDhan logo.
            Launch of DigiDhan logo.
                              Awareness campaign called DIGITAL PAYMENTS SANDESH YATRA, launched with a called DIGITAL PAYMENTS SANDESH YATRA, launched with a
            Awareness campaign
                              digital payments anthem titled ‘Chutki baja ke’ (cashless, touchless and paperless).’ (cashless, touchless and paperless).
            digital payments anthem titled ‘Chutki baja ke

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